

全球最大的博彩平台数字公司, 我们喜欢对我们的会员进行采访,以深入了解他们在大全球最大的博彩平台动态数字和技术领域的热情. 本周我们将与 Hays Technology 商务总监丹尼尔·麦克尼尼将与我们讨论数字化招聘趋势.

全球最大的博彩平台目前的技术招聘市场状况如何, and how have they evolved in recent years?

More challenging than previous years. 也就是说, 我们所看到的, and have seen the previous 4-5 months, is more of a normalising of the market. 

The last 3 years have seen an unprecedented surge in demand: huge demand for talent; huge pipelines of projects driven by massive, 加速(强制), in some cases) digital transformations; huge worker movement; huge candidate demand; but, 适度的实薪 & 日薪增长.

In some ways, now is less challenging; perhaps more rewarding. 最终,这应该意味着招聘人员能够更好地为候选人服务 & clients, increasing the quality of their offerings. 这对我们来说太好了, 以及整个科技界, is that we operate in an incredibly resilient sector, the problems behind the projects still exist, the opportunity to disrupt is still there, and the industry is full of bright, 有创造力的 & 驱动的人.

目前在全球最大的博彩平台,永久性招聘比往年的秋季要慢. 招聘冻结, 推迟的项目, and ongoing uncertainty politically, is bringing with it lower levels of business confidence & the cut off time for pre festive season hires is edging closer. 我们采访的一些决策者正着眼于新年的新开始.  Contract recruitment is stable if not setting the world alight.

从根本上, the latest ONS stats tell us there’s still 186,000 more vacancies nationwide than before Covid so its far from doom & 忧郁.


There is not really a specific sector performing way above other areas. 的数据 & 我们内部使用的指标告诉我们,大多数行业都多少感受到了压力. There is still money flowing from VC/PEs but our customers, and the platforms we use to track investment, show a different landscape from 2022. 内部技术团队和公共部门仍在继续,但没有近年来的大举招聘.

How the rise of remote work and the pandemic's impact on the job market, how have hiring practices in the technology sector adapted in 全球最大的博彩平台, and do you anticipate any long-term changes?

Hiring practices have changed – they simply had to. 

全球最大的博彩平台也不例外, 事实上,我们这里有如此广泛的产品公司, 公司总部, Public Sector etc mean it is representative of the UK as a whole.

当然, the obvious change was interviews taking place remotely. 现在有趣的是,公司意识到/记住了面对面的会面可以创造更多的购买 & commitment, as well as far greater rapport. The ability to be able show a candidate your offices, the local café & 这些设施大大增加了你找到你想要的候选人的机会. But, a word of warning, you still must be flexible & 通常你确实有理由 & explain sometimes why they should come in and see you.

There are still lots of remote only companies but more & more are getting people back for even a couple of days a month. 当亚马逊(Amazon)、Meta、谷歌(Google),最后是Zoom都这么做的时候,你就知道这是一种转变.

有趣的是,在过去的2-3年里,候选人有大量的选择, 客户一直在, 有时, 绝望的. 因此, 许多候选人对他们的WFH预期都有强烈的主张,这看起来与市场有点不一致. 往年, clients didn’t have much power to insist; now some, much like the behemoths mentioned above, do.

A less buoyant market means less choice, 选择的减少(*更正*)意味着候选人必须忍受他们在工作收入或福利等方面不是绝对完美的情况. 或者留在原地.

另一个有趣的问题是,市场需要在多大程度上重新调整合同工和烫发工的比例. As more contractors sit on the bench for longer and rates plateau (or, 在现实中, 同类减少同类), what % of contractors will turn to permanent work.

在全球最大的博彩平台,雇主在招聘技术专业人员时,最需要的技能或资格是什么, and how have these requirements shifted over time?

数据民间 & Software Developers who have pivoted to embrace AI tools are, 如果还没有, going to be the next most sought-after group. 当然, there are industries with bigger barriers to this, 但这种转变正在发生, 如果增量. 

全面的, modern Software Engineers are always in demand, 在数码转型计划方面有明显经验的项目专业人士亦是如此.

最后,事实证明,网络安全招聘对当前的市场趋势具有弹性. Plenty of companies out there would love to bring the whole, 或者至少是一部分, this function inhouse but don’t know where to start, such is their reliance on consultancies & 供应商. Project Managers in this space, 有技术知识, 除了项目印章, 会继续做得很好吗.


For job seekers the advice is all about being prepared: 

  • Know your ‘why’ as to the reason behind you seeking new employment 
  • Do your research on the types of company you want to work for and why
  • Find a sounding board in the industry to help talk through your choices
  • 开通你的LinkedIn & 简历更新和对齐
  • Keep track of where you’ve applied & what follow up or action you’ve taken after your application 

For companies looking to hire best talent:

  • Be ready to sell not just the role, project & tech, but who you are as a leader & 导师
  • 想清楚了吗 & 一致的执行副总裁
  • 了解你的好处 & go some way to monetizing them for candidates, it amazes us how often Hiring Managers don’t know what benefits exist
  • 不要欺骗别人, 招聘是一个很难做到正确的过程,但人们喜欢诚实, 坦诚的反馈


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Dynamics 365 CRM Developer - Public Sector

Our Technology division at Hays is the world’s leading tech recruiter. 我们花了数年时间培育一个由高度敬业和独特的候选人组成的生态系统, 为先进的技术和颠覆性的数字组织提供当今和未来的技能. Whether you are looking for contract, 临时或长期职位, 我们拥有丰富的知识和网络,可以帮助您找到能够为您的组织带来真正改变的人才. 我们有/ 2,500 specialist tech recruiters in 32 countries across the globe, who are currently working with over 30,000 tech contractors and who fill over 20,000 permanent technology jobs each year.作为你的伴侣, we can recruit for a wide range of roles across infrastructure, 网络安全, 云, 软件开发, data & 高级分析、项目 & 变革管理、领导力、智能自动化、Salesforce、Workday和ServiceNow.We know tech talent is hard to find, 这就是为什么我们多年来一直在全球培养人才社区的原因吗, from those with junior level experience through to director and CIO level, to help professionals find roles where they can make a difference. 这使我们能够为您提供与您的业务抱负相匹配的相关技能和经验的利基专业人士.We manage the recruitment process from start to finish, finding the best talent through assessments and technical tests, helping match the right people to the right places. This means we always find the best match for your role.Our insights are powered by experience, 情报和数据, made possible by our investment in new technologies and systems. 我们的研究让我们的客户及时了解科技市场的现状和未来的技能, 并且可以帮助您提供合适的薪水和福利来吸引顶尖人才. 我们建立了合作伙伴关系,为我们的客户提供无与伦比的独特见解,因此您可以获得最新的市场情报.We’re invested in your success, 我们雄心勃勃地满足您的愿望,我们希望确保对您至关重要的人才/未来技术职业. 

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